Introduction and Special Instructions

Session Objectives

Lesson 16 - Reclaim YOUR Freedom!

We now come to the final lesson in this online workshop. By now you have:

  • Learned to listen effectively
  • Become comfortable with how to open up when engaging with others
  • Explored the power and nature behind cards and the messages they may reveal
  • Examined your beliefs around what Freedom means, and what is stopping you from reclaiming it
  • Plotted yourself on the Personal Journey highlighting the path ahead
  • Recognized that Power is an extraordinary concept which is to be approached respectfully
  • Learned what we mean by An Appointment in Power and the conditions for them to manifest
  • Understood the important distinction between discrimination and discernment and when to use either term
  • Realized how easy it is for you to lose your personal Power, and what to do about it
  • Taken the extraordinary journey around the Path to Freedom Model© and learned how to plot yourself on the Model
  • Identified your own Path to Freedom and the conditions to attain Freedom
  • Accepted that taking personal responsibility for all your thoughts, deeds and actions is critical if you are to reclaim your freedom

You are now ready to Reclaim YOUR Freedom!

In this final lesson, you will be:

  1. Reminded of the importance of personal responsibility
  2. Challenged on the "how?"
  3. Asked what is stopping you?
  4. Focused on the NOW
  5. Supported to become free

Special instructions for this session: Honor yourself for coming this far. Rest assured, provided you have worked through each of the lessons, you will never be the same again. It is almost time to celebrate your freedom!

I have the perfect life for my growth right now

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