Introduction and Special Instructions

Session Objectives

Lesson 4 - Exploring Freedom

  1. You will define what freedom means to you
  2. Identify where freedom is not
  3. Explore and compare the concepts of knowledge versus wisdom
  4. Look at what we mean by a tension, or attention
  5. Encourage you to begin to Reclaim YOUR Freedom!

It is now time to explore what freedom means to you. We use words liberally, but often do not stop to think what we actually mean when we use them.

Words contain Power. Use them wisely!

Special instructions for this session: You will be invited to:

  1. Create two columns on a piece of paper, or a white board*
  2. Label the left column, "What does freedom mean to me?"
  3. Label the right column, "What is stopping me from attaining freedom?"
  4. If using a piece of paper, write down your responses to each of the questions below under the respective column headings.
  5. If using a white board (or a wall, or a chart, or any other large surface), use Post-it® notes to write one response per note and paste them under each column. (This is the preferred method as we will later reposition the notes.)
  6. Watch the video before starting the exercise. You may want to pause it after the first slide so you can participate in the process as though you were present in the live workshop - this will ensure Power is with you as you do this exercise.
  7. Below the video is the worksheet for this session. Print this and complete it. This will provide additional clarity on what freedom means to you, and what you need do to reclaim it.

* During the live workshop, participants were invited to write as many thoughts as they wished, one on each Post-it® note and then place them on the white board. This resulted in a collage of ideas from many participants. If you are working through this online workshop with someone else, it is suggested you also do this. It creates a richer experience, thereby encouraging Power to step in and support you.

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