Welcome to Reclaim YOUR Freedom!
Welcome to "Reclaim YOUR Freedom"
This online program is based on the book by Nigel B. Patterson: Your RETURN to FREEDOM - A Practical Guide to Finding Lasting Inner Peace.
Welcome and thank you for purchasing this online workshop. Rest assured, you are ready to reclaim your FREEDOM – otherwise you would not be here! Together, we will journey through an amazing landscape of Sacred knowledge and wisdom.
As you step onto the Path of Awareness you WILL rebuild your Personal Power. There are three steps to achieving this:
- Rediscover Ancient Wisdom
- Restore Inner Peace
- Reclaim Freedom
My name is Nigel B. Patterson. I am the author and publisher of Your Return to FREEDOM: A Practical Guide to Finding Lasting Inner Peace. The book is the result of over 25 years of my personal immersion into, and the practical application of, Toltec, Shamanic and Mystical wisdom.
Nigel B. Patterson
While the book was physically written by me, the content is far greater than what I, or any one person, could come up with on their own. It was co-authored by Spirit with the purpose of passing on wisdom from Spirit. The intention is for the reader to restore inner peace, this being the gateway to reclaiming Freedom. This workshop serves this single-minded objective.
This workshop is based on the material contained in the book. Although it would certainly be useful to refer to the book during the program, it is not necessary that you have read the book prior to taking this workshop.
The book is the first in the An Appointment in Power Series of books. Power is defined as an attribute of God, or Divine Intelligence, or whatever label you wish to give the unknowable, a concept we typically refer to as God in the West. Included in the definition of An Appointment in Power is the following statement.
"When two or more people come together in an environment free of judgement something extraordinary happens."
As the definition says, an Appointment in Power manifests when two or more people come together in an environment free of judgement. You can certainly take the course on your own, and at your own pace. In this case, the two people who are coming together are you, the learner, and me, the presenter. I do not need to physically be with you to be effective – energy is independent of time and location – and I can assure you that at all times I will remain in an environment free of judgement. As a sole-learner, your challenge is to ensure you also remain in a place of non-judgement. Then Power will appear.
However, the experience will be greatly enhanced should two or more people work together on this program. I thus urge you to find a partner, someone you can fully trust to also be free of judgement, to participate with you in this program.
Together with a learning-partner you will:
- Deepen your experience
- Have someone to support you when difficult issues arise
- Hold each other accountable for working through the course
- Someone with whom to share what you are learning, thereby enriching the experience
- Someone to celebrate with and, most importantly, to have fun with!
The video material in this course was recorded during a live workshop on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii, where I live. As there were many participants in the workshop, each in a place of non-judgement, Power was very present. You will now be joining them just as though you were physically there in the workshop. You do not need to be there to gain the full benefit of the workshop.
The material in the videos is charged with energy and Power will be present as you watch each of the video sessions – this is the way Power works.
This course will take you on a life-journey – YOUR life journey. You will learn how and why you lost your Freedom, and what you can do about regaining it. Just as important, you will be introduced to and taken on what the Toltec’s call the Path of AWARENESS, a critically important process on your journey to reclaiming Freedom.
In addition, once you have completed the course, you will be well equipped to understand where others are on their own journeys and how to support them to find their Freedom. This is the greatest gift you could give another.
You are about to embark on a life-changing journey. It is there for everyone to claim, not just for a privileged few.
Please give yourself a huge hug of gratitude for being here. You deserve Freedom, and if you follow this program, you WILL learn where Freedom is to be found.